Monster Jam!
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Monster Jam!

A competitive faceoff between a transforming monster and some hunters, where the dark plays a character of its own...


Enable hardware acceleration!

Heya! This game is super early in development and was rushed out as quick as possible to get it ready for a game jam, so it's pretty rough around the edges.

All updates since the game jam deadline were stability and bug fixes.

Refer below for how to play:

As creature:

Your goal is to collect enough orbs to transform, and then to kill all the hunters.

WASD to move

F to toggle creature vision

Mouse 1 to slash (once transformed)

You can also move into walls to jump over them (once transformed)

As hunter:

Your goal is to incapacitate the creature before it transforms by punching it. You use your concussive bombs and scanners around the map to do so.

WASD to move

Mouse to angle flashlight

F to toggle flashlight

Mouse 1 to throw remote explosives

Mouse 2 to detonate them

Space to charge punch


Created by Epsii

Sprite work by Spookyhallowed

Music by Yoco

With code from GrizzliusMaximus, YellowAfterLife, and

Playtested by Tekknix, SneakyHere, Nocki, atlas, Alan Castro, Janoban, and 8by4


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Developerepsiilon studio
Number of plays929
Release date04 Aug, 2022
Last updated05 Aug, 2022
Game engineGameMaker
Maturity rating10+

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