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Log: 1.0; February 25th 2024; Its officialy over (for now); please refer to the long description.
Log: 1.0; February 25th 2024; Dear users, players, haters and enjoyers of this game! This game has been officially put on hold, and will no longer receive any updates in the near future. That is due to my time getting occupied by... A NEW FNAF FAN GAME! It will feature 3D environments, (hopefully) smoother animations and a more polished look! But alas, it wont get published in probably another few years time. I am now more than ever occupied with school and extensive development will resume in the summer (the game still hasn't left the blender renders stage) so it will take a while, but I promise to you, this is a game made of passion and I so far enjoy developing it. As long as it may take I will put my best effort into it. For ANY updates (possibly this summer?) you can follow me on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLHtJBD96QDmqrf6IG1O\_W2JVSqE3Yd3eL Also, as of making this update, the studio has been re-branded as "Eclypse Productions" so the game might not release on this exact account. **Regarding your feedback: **Do not fret users, i see/saw your bug reports and suggestions and replied to all of them ;) As i said, sadly this game will not be finished at the moment (although i might try to fix the night 3 crash bug) so I hope you will be able to enjoy the game as it stands right now. That would be all right now and thank you for tuning in! {Best regards> Eclypse Productions} Log: 0.4: First Game; This is a FNAF fan game, it isn't meant to be taken seriously. The game is still in the stage of development and contains ALL 5 Nights (no ending), only missing the later phone calls. Its roughly tested, so bugs might appear. I am developing this in my spare time. Its pretty simple but its my first ever game to come out of the "start and abandon" stage. This is made purely for fun. Don't go too harsh on me. I've been continuously play testing the game and it has always worked fine for me. If you happen to face any issues pls report. Any feedback in general would be appreciated tho. Love y'all <3
Developercuttingtips studio
Number of plays7,392
Release date22 Mar, 2023
Last updated13 Mar, 2024
Game engineGameMaker
Maturity ratingAll ages
Game is suitable for all ages.
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