One Man Army Studio (OMA)

OMA Studio

This studio contains Survival_man and only him. The style is about hyper realistic games that are fun and easy to understand. We want to make games that immerses the player and that supports every real-life rule and strategy. For example, if you are a military, you should be able to perform very well at in-game war tactics because as said before, the games are supposed to be hyper realistic. Of course, they won’t be 100% real life simulation because we think that then it would be boring. We are searching for the perfect mix between logic, realism and fun.

Right now, no real game is finished but some game components are being posted so the community can see the progression toward a playable game. There are currently four project ideas and one is being programmed. Here are the placeholder names of the four projects, starting by the one being developed:

  • Wasteland: A game about transporting resources between cities in a nuclear-madmax world. Life in cities is already hard, but outside… it’s hell!

  • Ring supremacy: A game about corporations that are fighting each other to take control of an asteroid ring rich of precious minerals. Ships are made of parts and you need to think about everything if you want to survive in this war. Tactic beats everything!

  • Biohazard: A game about surviving in a world infested by mutated zombies. Nothing will have pity on you, weather, infested, hunger, thirst, radiation, player, etc… EVERYTHING is against you and we want to know if you survive or serve as diner?

  • Rock Eaters: In a near future, some corporation found a planet with exotic matter in its depths. Exotic matter can be used to make faster than light flights which would revolutionize the industry. But as you arrive to drill a hole to the core with Berta the Mega Drill you quickly find that there is already an alien life in the planet, these creatures seem to feed on rock and are heavily armored. They seem disturbed by you drilling and it quickly becomes hell, you must go and get exotic matter at any cost. ANY COST!

Right now, I'm working on a game that represents the survival aspect outside of civilisation in my game Wasteland. In this story you were transporting as always but got caught in a huge sandstorm. You and your car got been ripped off, tossed all arround to finaly be thrown far into the depth of the wasteland. Your car is damaged and you are seriously injured. You must heal yourself, survive, repair your car and find a way home. You'll soon find out that the desert isn't that much empty and that the things in there are craving for blood.

OMAStudio2021@outlook.com to contact me

Studio One Man Army Studio (OMA)
Studio members
Joined3 Dec 2021
Games created0