Turbo Jetrunner

Turbo Jetrunner

Challenge mode
Exit challenge
Turbo Time Trial

All Turbo, no Jetrunner! Race through all six Turbocycle levels back to back to get the fastest time in the world!

In this special challenge mode, get the fastest time through every Turbo Jetrunner level with no breaks in between! Careful AP management is key - turbo whenever possible, but make sure you have enough to dodge and stay on the road! If a crash slows you down, a little bit of Turbo will quickly get you back up to top speed and regenerating AP.

Keyboard controls:

  • Arrow keys to steer/move
  • c - accelerate/shoot
  • v - drift
  • x - turbo/bomb
  • z - brake (bike mode only)
  • Enter - briefly hold to restart current level
  • Backspace - briefly hold to return to the main menu

Gamepad controls:

  • Left stick or pad - steer/move
  • Right shoulder button or trigger - accelerate/shoot
  • X (square on PS-style) - turbo/bomb
  • A (X on PS-style) - drift
  • Left shoulder button or trigger - brake (bike mode only
  • Start - briefly hold to restart current level
  • Select - briefly hold to return to the main menu

Struggling with a specific section? Try Practice Mode from the main game page! You can now easily practice specific levels over and over to perfection.

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